Friday, August 11, 2023


As the country move inexorably toward the 2024 election the two sides are laying out their strategies. At this time it appears that the Biden family business of selling access is coming unraveled. Each new revelation brings on new pressure to dump Joe. Some feel that in the fall Joe will announce that because of health problems he will not be seeking a second term. This will be followed by his pardoning of his son and thus the saga will end as the press then turns toward Kamala and Trump. Kamala's ineptness will not be a problem as which ever group has been running the government under Joe will continue to run things under Kamala. The big battle will be between Trump on one side and a coalition of forces on the other side composed of the democratic establishment, the bureaucracy, the never Trump RINOS, the press, Hollywood and social media. While the news will center around these two sides the elephant in the room, the ballot harvesters, will go unnoticed until election day when the party most adept at finding new voters will determine the outcome. The Trump plan is two fold. First for the nomination he will be joined by a half dozen other candidates who will all have pretty much the same agenda. They will be for smaller government, lower taxes, secure borders, energy independence, pro-policing, no cash bail, putting criminals in jail, bringing jobs home and schools teaching academics while leaving cultural issues up to parents. Once Trump has secured the nomination he will set about finding a negotiated settlement to the war, he will expose the green deal as a social change program disguised as a climate change plan and thus open the door to nuclear power which will in fact solve the problem of climate change, he will reduce business regulations to accelerate the reshoring of manufacturing which will bring about economic growth which will lead to higher wages and continue increasing import taxes on goods from China. Once he gets the economy growing properly he will turn his attention to draining the swamp and there will be massive changes in the bureaucracy.

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