Monday, August 28, 2023


The demographics in the United States predicted a labor shortage and Covid encouraged many to take early retirement so the problem is getting worse. In addition the end of globalization is causing a massive increase in construction of facilities to replace imports. These new facilities will provide high paying manufacturing jobs which will put wage pressure on jobs like teachers, nurses, hospitality workers and other places like Walmart and Home Depot. Over the next five or ten years wage/price caused inflation will rise despite efforts by the Fed. All of the new facilities will be using the most advanced technologies which promotes productivity that in the long run will cancel the effects of inflation and the country will settle down to a 1950's style economy where wages increase slightly faster than inflation. These coming years will see the greatest economic growth in the history of the country. During the interim passage to this prosperity, use must be made of the many immigrants who are not able to get work Visa's. The big barrier will be language but companies will have to overcome that through job descriptions and training. Speaking English is less important to a Walmart stocker than an employee who deals directly with the customers. In the meantime learning English should be of the highest priority for all concerned. Legal immigration could dictate that English be a requirement but unfortunately many migrants come here outside the legal system and most cannot speak English.

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