Wednesday, August 30, 2023


The phrase woke started in the 1940's among Blacks to mean becoming woken up or sensitive to issues of justice. It was a good word and an easy way to point out injustice. This was all well and good but like so many good things in about 2014 the word became politicized and things started to deteriorate. Instead of thinking of people who were woke as people who were concerned about justice the page was turned. The new woke says that if you think different from me on an issue you are not just un woke but you are a bad person and deserve to be punished. So today if someone thinks you are insensitive to some issue you can be ridiculed on social media and even lose your job. It remains mostly liberals who think that way and that is reminiscent of Charles Krauthammer who said that conservatives think liberals are wrong and liberals think conservatives are evil. If you are evil you can be denigrated in any way. You are Hitler. If you say all lives matter or if you say there are only two sexes you are made out to be some kind of Neanderthal and Ivy league Eastern liberals will come after you. The problem with this is that it ends all conversations about controversial issues. You don't have to justify your position with an evil person. You just call them evil and you win. This happens a lot with the word racist.

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