Saturday, August 19, 2023

Carbon shifting

People often live under the impression that they are doing things to help the environment when in fact they just don't understand the big picture. Someone who recycles old cans and bottles but lives in a big house in the suburbs or someone who drives an EV not knowing the carbon footprint the car had before it was purchased. There is one case that involves an entire country. Norway will be carbon free by 2030. They can do this because there are only 5 million people who live there and they are blessed with hydro-power. If this were the end of the story then kudos to Norway but that is only part of the story. Norway has the largest oil reserves in Europe most of it coming from the North Sea. Norway exports 1.4 million barrels of oil per day along with 120 billion cubic meters of natural gas making it the largest exported of natural gas to Europe. Norway earns $170 billion dollars from oil and gas exports which equates to $34,000 for every man, woman and child in the country. The government invests these funds and the fund is currently valued at $1.5 trillion or $300,000 per person. This money supports healthcare, unemployment, pensions, infrastructure projects and much more. This is an example of what is called shifting carbon. When the US talks about wind and solar and EV's the carbon footprint is shifted to the coal fired power plants in China where the raw materials used in wind, solar and EV's are mined and processed. This is just one more example of not looking at the big picture.

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