Thursday, August 24, 2023


Harvesting ballots is still a term unfamiliar to most people but it will be a determining factor in the upcoming presidential election. There are 240 million Americans who are eligible to vote but only 168 million are registered to vote. The ballot harvesters will have a two prong attack. First they will go door to door to get people registered. These people are found by looking at voter registration maps and going to houses and apartments where the others live. Next when the voting period opens they return and bring ballots and help people fill out the ballot. On most ballots there is one box at the top that when checked means a straight party line vote. Herein lies the danger. People could be encouraged to vote for a certain party by the ballot harvester. The are 72 million eligible voters out there just waiting for someone to contact them. The party that has the best ground game to capture these voters will win the election. This is a new process first used by Stacy Abrams in the Georgia gubernatorial election where she brought in 8 million first time voters. It went nation wide in the 2020 presidential election where Biden received 81 million votes the most in US history. Trump was surprised that he did not win because he won in 2016 with 63 million votes and got 74 million in 2020. He, along with the republican party, were not aware of ballot harvesting.

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