Wednesday, August 2, 2023


Trump was impeached because a whistle blower said that Trump on a phone call asked Ukraine to investigate Hunter Biden's dealings with an Ukrainian oil company called Burisma. The democrats claimed that Trump was going to withhold aid to Ukraine if they did not investigate. Trump denied that. Democrats say the phone call was proof that Trump broke the law by seeking foreign help to try to smear Biden. Trump released a transcript of the phone call claiming he did nothing wrong. Trump was found not guilty by the senate. The interesting thing is that later reporting showed that Biden's son was working for Burisma and his job was threatened by an ongoing investigation. Biden went to Ukraine and told them if they did not stop the investigation he would withhold one billion dollars in aid and they abruptly stopped the investigation. In what is considered an unwise move President Biden released a video showing him demanding the Ukrainians stop the investigation or he would withhold the billion dollars. Another interesting point that came out later is that the whistle blower admitted he did not hear the phone call but was told about it by a third party. This led to speculation that the government leaked this information and it was later discovered that the government had been listening in on most of the administration employees and that explained the large number of leaks.

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