Thursday, August 24, 2023


Debates are on too late at night for me so I just have to read about them. The Hill a left leaning news outlet said the biggest loser was Fox News. 24 million tuned in while the first democratic debate in 2019 only 15 million watched. Two issues that caught my attention were abortion and Ukraine and both fell into the old trap of either or. The abortion issue will not be resolved by people who want no abortions or people who want abortions for any reason. It will have to be a compromise and no abortions after 12 weeks (where 90% of abortions happen) with exceptions for rape and physical life of the mother being a good starting point. In Ukraine the choice between WW 3 and destroying the country of Ukraine could be changed to a negotiated peace agreement where Russia pulls out keeping the Donbas region and the West agrees not to invite Ukraine into NATO. The candidates as a whole agree with Trumps economic policies of low crime, secure border, energy independence and his bring jobs home from China. This is in contrast to the current administration that seems to be interested in bringing jobs home. The questions concentrated on the economy and with the exception of abortion, avoided social and cultural issues. Trump not being there allowed the viewers to get a better understanding of the other candidates.

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