Tuesday, August 29, 2023


In a free market economy like the US has, many new items are made available on a group by group basis. When a new product comes out, often times it is expensive and only a few people can afford it but in time as more and more of the product is produced the cost per unit comes down and this opens the door to consumers with less income and this process continues and in time almost everyone can afford a big flat screen TV. Because of the understanding of the human genome and the use of AI to analyze the genome, new methods of medical discovery are now available. An individual can have their illness diagnosed by genetic means and a personalized cure made available. This process will be very expensive and only the rich will be able to pay but as more people take advantage of the new technology the price will come down. This is the kind of research that will lead to a cure for cancer as the medical professionals learn about disease from the inside out. In the past doctors have had to rely on averages to treat conditions and the big shortcoming was the cry but doc I'm not like everyone else, I am an individual. The new way will be treating people based on their own DNA and this will allow discoveries that will lead from the individual to the group.

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