Thursday, August 24, 2023


Windmills will generate power on average 24% of the time and 42% offshore. The point is that they are most efficient when placed in the right location. In the US that means the Midwestern states which is basically the wheat belt. That means thousands of miles of transmission lines to get to the major use points. 90% of current power plants are located east and south of this area. Solar panels are 20% efficient. They produce power five hours per day but that is in the best locations. The big mega cities along the east coast need lots of electricity but there is little room and not that much sun so the power is made in other locations and sent by the grid to the use point. Since both solar and wind require back up what is the best back up source and that in most locations that means fossil fuel and/or nuclear. Germany did not fully understand these restrictions and got into a mess. They started installing solar panels and later discovered they did not get enough sun to warrant the effort. Just about every place in the continental USA is better suited to solar than Germany. To further show their misunderstanding of the climate problem, Germany closed its last nuclear plant in April of 2023. Germany has been closing its coal plants for decades instead of changing them over to natural gas as was done in the US. This is the results of greens in Germany gaining power and demanding lower green house gas emissions. It was an emotional wave that spread across Germany and resulted in mismanagement. Germany is now reopening some coal plants and postponing the closing of others. The same thing is happening where nuke plants scheduled for closing are remaining online. The Greenies had the best of intentions but they failed to understand the science.

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