Wednesday, August 23, 2023


The globalization promoted by the United States after WW 2 allowed growth throughout the world, including moving over one billion people out of poverty, mostly in Asia. After 40 years of watching their jobs disappear, the middle income blue collar workers got fed up and finally revolted with the election of Trump in 2016. The move toward onshoring was accelerated by the supply chain problems that were exposed during Covid and Biden has continued the trend. The dream of some liberals that Brussels will become a world government is fast disappearing and organizations like the UN, the WTO and the WHO are losing their influence. Supply chains are currently so complex that they can no longer do the job and new systems must be developed. The United States is strategically situated to take advantage of the new world order. Using the workers from Mexico and the natural raw materials in the US and Canada will allow North America to lead the world into the new economic frontier. The retiring baby boomers will no longer be big consumers and will move their wealth in to safe havens where it is not easily available for investing but they left behind 50 million Gen Xer's and they in turn left 84 million millennial's and these two groups are ages 28 to 58 and are both workers and consumers who are investing in stocks through their 401k plans. This money is available to companies for investment. Over the next ten plus years companies will be reshoring and need the construction of new facilities. The US will shorten its supplies supply chains from Asia and North America will have the needed work force from Mexico to supplement the US workers to fill the jobs. These will be high income manufacturing jobs with benefits and will reignite the dying union movement. The short term result will be high inflation but long term it will create an economy where wages increase faster than inflation. The resulting economy will reunite the country and the concept of dividing people by groups will lose favor and America will once again be the shinning light on the hill.

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