Tuesday, August 8, 2023


There have been complaints about how the press fails to cover controversial issues concerning the Biden administration. An example of that happened yesterday when Gold Star mothers testified before congress and not one of the main stream stations covered the event. These families were upset with the fact that their sons were killed the day that the US was pulling out of Afghanistan. At that time the press reported the success of the thousands who were evacuated on that day. The people did not see it that way because Biden's approval rating dipped below water and has never recovered. In retrospect many see that Biden wanted our troops to be out of Afghanistan in time to celebrate on the 20th anniversary of the invasion. His generals told him to leave 2,500 troops but he was so intent on doing a nation wide victory lap on 9/11 that he ignored their advice. The withdrawal was such a disaster that he could not claim the credit he had planned on. The plan the generals wanted was to first pull out the America citizens along with the Afghans who had helped our soldiers, second to bring home the equipment and finally to bring all the troops home but 2,500 and to keep Bagram Air base. Biden chose to do just the opposite by bringing out the troops and leaving many Americans behind along with $7 billion dollars of military equipment.

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