Sunday, August 27, 2023


Its looking more and more like Trump will be the republican nominee for president so it's time for an in-debth look at just who is this most controversial figure. He spent his career working in the New York City construction business a place notorious for tough unions, corrupted city inspectors and cut throat competition. He had to be a street fighter to stay in business. He got his start with money from his father but he grew that from millions to billions with ups and downs that would make most people dizzy. When he announced his bid for the presidency in 2015 he was roundly ridiculed by the press but they allowed him on TV and his name recognition grew. As time passed the press began to realize that he might just win so they reversed their strategy and instead of poking fun at him they started with serious criticism. All the while they laughed at him they were enjoying the ratings. Trump was popular because he was entertaining and not like any regular politician. He would also just say what was on his mind regardless of political correctness and many people liked that. He was obnoxious, rude and often insulted people without regards to their feelings. In time he developed into a person that some liked and other didn't like and that remains the case today. There is nothing negative to say about Trump that hasn't already been said many times over. Because he is so straight forward with his comments he is an easy target for ridicule. Add to that his exaggerations and out right lies and he becomes a target easy to insult. Many times his remarks led people to the conclusion that his career was over but he just bounced back. He turned the republican party on its head. The country club republicans that he saw as RINOs left him in droves and others who became never trumpers fought against him. When he criticized the bureaucracy he was threatening the status quo and this scarred many who were comfortable with the way things were. He was an outsider and difficult for the insiders to control. This caused the bureaucrats to plot against him and they are still trying to bring him down. Many see him as a crook and cannot understand why anyone would support him. From a policy standpoint he was a success but that is rarely discussed and the press prefers to talk about his personality. The interesting thing is that the press calls him a threat to democracy so they want to send the leading presidential candidate to prison. Never in history has one man taken so many slings and arrows and the battle in on going.

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