Sunday, August 27, 2023


“Immigrants have started more than half (319 of 582, or 55%) of America's startup companies valued at $1 billion or more. “Moreover, nearly two-thirds (64%) of U.S. billion-dollar companies (unicorns) were founded or cofounded by immigrants or the children of immigrants. This shows the value of immigrants but it is somewhat deceiving. These immigrants are the legal ones who come mostly from Asia and have STEM educations not those who come illegally across the border and for the most part cannot speak English. This is just further evidence to promote merit based legal immigration. Under the merit based system immigration status is determined by having usable knowledge and English language skills. Our neighbor to the north Canada uses the merit based system. Canada's Immigration and Refugee Protection Act states as its first objective, “to permit Canada to pursue the maximum social, cultural and economic benefits of immigration.” Canada established its first merit-based point system for selecting foreign workers in 1967. This type of system selects immigrants based on the needs of the country. In 2022 almost one million work Visa's were issued. Many of these were issued to people who have needed skills but cannot speak English. Jobs such as roofers and dry wall hangers can be done without English but jobs working at Walmart or McDonalds are difficult without language skills. The country has millions of illegals and millions of unfilled jobs but the two are incompatible mostly due to language barriers.

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