Sunday, September 1, 2024

Better lives

The progress that the world has made in the past 100 years can be directly related to new energy sources. The path from wood to coal to oil to natural gas and finally to nuclear has led to increased standards of living across the globe. In 1900 more than 80% of people lived in poverty and today that number is less than 20%. The most advanced countries like North American and Europe have the most advanced energy systems. Other places like Asia and Africa are following the same energy path and are slowly catching but their progress could be accelerated by using the experience of developed countries like the US and move more quickly toward nuclear power. The expansion of small thorium reactors could allow these countries to leap frog from wood to nuclear in record time. This means low cost electric power which leads to desalting sea water to grow food in desert areas. It means breaking down water to get hydrogen for transportation for cars, trucks and buses. It means combining hydrogen with carbon dioxide from the air to synthesize diesel and jet fuel. It means zero carbon emissions and the solution to climate change problems. It means the end of long electric transmission line and small power units designed for specific needs. As the price of energy goes down so does the price of goods produced and brings with it increased productivity which means increases in the standard of living. Excess energy means the new technology like AI can proceed unabated. All of these advances will bring the underdeveloped nations into the 21st century and narrow the wealth gap. As peoples lives improve the chances of war decrease and all those resources can be used to improve the lives of people.

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