Sunday, June 17, 2018

Border families

Most people are busy trying to pay the light bill and do not have the time to research current issues. The result is that spinmeisters can mislead. This is done most often by combining some truth in with some miss truth. A current example is families coming to the border from Mexico. If a family approached the border entrance and asks for political asylum they can enter the country and be kept together. On the other hand if they cross the border illegally they will be arrested and separated from their children. The result is that one commentator will say children are being separated because it is the law and others say they have the right to remain as a family. The federal government has been aware of this problem since Clinton was president and each president since has realized the negative optics and chose to ignore the problem. Trump has taken on the issue and is paying the cost in the form of negative publicity. Pro immigration lawyers have gone into Mexico to explain to families how to approach the legal entry points and claim political asylum and this is increasing the number of those doing so.

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