Sunday, June 3, 2018


The Magnitsky act of 2012 put financial and travel restrictions on 18 Russian oligarchs and this severely limited their access to billions of dollars they stole from the Russian people after the collapse of the Soviet Union. A Russian lawyer approached members of the Trump campaign using dirt on Hillary Clinton as bait. During the meeting it was uncovered that they had no dirt but what they wanted was leverage from Trump to repeal the Magnitsky Act. While this was going on another completely separate scheme was underway where The Republican National Committee hired the firm of Fusion GPS to do negative research on Hillary. They did not find anything of value but later The Democratic National Committee along with the Clinton campaigned hired them to investigate Trump. Here they found a former British intelligence agent named Christopher Steele who offered a dossier filled with negatives about Trump. Steele offered this information to a number of sources but all refused to publish because it was unsubstantiated and bordered on outright lies. This is factual and now for what is alleged. The FBI under Obama wanted to find out about the Trump/Russian collusion so they introduced an agent into the campaign and this led to the need to tap phones and emails. They went to get a FIAS warrant but it was denied. Then a magazine called Buzzfeed published the Steele dossier and the FBI used that as further proof to get a FISA warrant. Rules are very detailed concerning these warrants and the information presented to the judge must be validated and the Steele dossier was not. Those who believe this to be the case say the warrant and all information related to it are null and void. Republicans on the congressional investigating committee have been asking to see the information given to the FISA court but they are unable to get it. If the FISA judge was not informed that this information was gathered by the democrats the warrant was improperly issued.

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