Thursday, June 21, 2018

Welfare cost

It is difficult to find the cost associated with illegal immigrants as the data is skewed by the politics of those doing the reporting. Estimate range from $19 billion to $300 billion. One way to estimate the cost is to look at the overall cost of welfare programs and then figure the cost per person and apply that to the estimated 11 million illegals. In FY 2018 total US government spending on welfare — federal, state, and local — is “guesstimated” to be $1,137 billion, including $688 billion for Medicaid, and $449 billion in other welfare If you divide the total spent by 330 million Americans you get $3,445 per person and then multiply that by the 11 million illegals the total cost is $38 billion. This does not include things like housing cost and cost to schools. It does not include the cost of rounding up, processing and deporting illegals that are caught entering the country.

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