Saturday, June 16, 2018


One of my favorite shows is, "Fiddler On The Roof" and one of my favorite scenes was when the star of the show Tevye is talking with a group of men and one makes a point and Tevye says "yes" and the another makes just the opposite point and Tevye says "yes" and then the groups points that out and Tevye says "yes" I can listen to a logically presented argument and agree and then I can hear the opposite presented in a logical manner and agree and I find I am just like Tevye. This is one of the downfalls for a person who listens with his head and not with his heart. There is tendency to become too tolerant. Do not make a virtue of tolerance lest you end up standing for nothing. I envy those who react emotionally since they always no where they stand on a complex issue. They may not be able to offer legitimate reasons why they believe as they do but in their hearts they know where they stand.

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