Sunday, June 3, 2018

Gut feelings

One of the books that I read during the 50's was called,"The Organization Man". It laid out the protocols for those who wanted to climb the ladder of success in both business and government and I quickly realized that I was different. I was more like an entrepreneur than a company man and didn't quite fit into the organizational structure. If you work for a big company and you are in a responsible position you must make decisions in a very methodical manner and follow laid out procedures. You can say for example that I approved this new product because engineering said it was possible, production said they could meet our time line, market test said it would sell and sales said they could sell it. Unfortunately it did not work out. If on the other hand you said you had a gut feeling that it would work and it didn't then you would be called on the carpet and possible loose your job. When individual business owners are asked how they make major decisions they say the check out all the data but in the end they go with their gut. When people say that Trump is not presidential they are saying he doesn't act like a politician and that is because his background is business not politics and more importantly he is an entrepreneur and not a corporation man. He tends to evaluate situations and then make decisions based on instinct or what some call intuition. The organization man was taught to go by his intellect and disregard his intuition in order to cover himself when things go wrong. In doing so he loses one of man's greatest assets in order to be safe. People who are more in tune with their instincts are often made to look foolish by those who choose the safe way. Most innovators follow their intuition. These are the people who think outside the box and they are roundly criticized by the conformist. To expect Trump to act presidential would be to ask him to become someone he is not.

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