Monday, June 11, 2018

Exceptional USA

Saying that America is exceptional caused a stir a few months back but recent facts have tended to confirm just how generous Americans are when compared to other countries. In my life time it started with the end of WW 2 when Russia took over half of Europe and the US took a few acres of land to bury 130,000 soldiers who died in the war. Then the US sent billions of dollars to rebuild Europe and Japan. The US gives more in foreign aid and in charity than any country. There are 193 countries in the United Nations and the US pays for 25% of the expenses. There are 29 countries in NATO and the US pays 22% of the cost plus providing most of the troops. The US has 200,000 troops stationed in 177 countries around the world. The US trade deficit sends $500 billion dollars per year to other countries. Then add to that the medical miracles the US has provided, things like the polio vaccine and drugs for AIDS victims. Add all of the technology that the US developed and gave to the world and more that was stolen by countries like China. And finally the US was able to end the cold war without getting into a hot war. In the history of the world there has never been a country that has done more than the US and yes exceptional is the right word.

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