Monday, February 14, 2022

Anybody but Trump

Many in the press have expressed surprise that polls show that 51% of democrats say they do not want Biden to run for a second term. The real surprise is that this percentage is not higher. In 2020 the democrats fielded 29 candidates for president, the largest field in history. The candidates clearly showed the weakness of the party. They did not select the best qualified to be president but rather the most likely to defeat Trump. While they voted for Biden the secret beneath the surface was really a vote against Trump. For the insiders, Biden's lack luster performance is not unexpected. Many of his supporters realized he was not ready for the job but they remained quiet. While they will not openly state he is not up to the job they do not want him to run again. They are of the mind that no matter how disappointing Biden may be or become he is better than Trump.

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