Friday, February 25, 2022


We are watching the chaos in Ukraine only because some reporters are still there. We see civilians being forced to flee to Poland while others cower in basements hoping to avoid the bombs. We can only imagine what is going on in Afghanistan where terrorist run free and there is no food and no law to protect the citizens. The experts are now saying there is not much that can be done to stop Putin without risking WW3. As a non expert how about opening all the secret bank accounts around the world and in particular Swiss and taking all the money from the Russian billionaires which would include Putin. This would also expose many others who have reason to hide money. How about increasing the supply of natural gas and oil to help the Europeans. If there are more severe sanctions what are we waiting for. These are the things that will directly effect the Russian people and could result in a fifth column. Prior to the invasion NATO should have told Putin that they would not invite Ukraine to join and this might well have satisfied Putin. Recall how the US reacted when Russia put missiles in Cuba.

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