Saturday, February 5, 2022

Covid and children

I have a friend who lives in Europe and she went to London to work but recently went back home to be near her family. She is unmarried and felt alone in England. Here is some news I received yesterday. Sadly I am uneployed after moving from the UK. Here the deadly heritage of communism is reflecting also on labour markets. I am 53 now and as such practically unemployed, regardless my good educational background and, for Slovenian standards, impressive working experience. Another characteristic of Slovenia as state is that old communist garniture never really stepped down. They hold majority of media, whole juidicial system, large part of state aparatus and economy, police and all key roles in state. As my father couldn't get job in communism after being marked as unfriendly toward regime, I am in same position, labeled as anticommunist, so enemy, more than 30 years after apparent liberation from that nasty regime. To get such mark in Slovenia, which is state with about 2 million population, means that nobody will employ you. Literally nobody. This is main reason why I moved to UK so I could earn for life over there because I was left out of choices in Slovenia. I also wanted to live abroad for a while and I've chosen London because I fell in love with the city after visiting it as a tourist.

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