Saturday, February 19, 2022

The Olympics have brought a disturbing situation to the attention of the American people. There are US businesses, celebrities and athletes who have closed their eyes to the atrocities going on in China for permission to sell products to the one plus billion Chinese consumers. Movie sales in China now exceed sales in the US and this is making a ton of money for Hollywood. Many of the same actors who criticize America are closing their eyes to the genocide going on in China. NBA players like Labron James have pointed out the various problems here in the US but he and the NBA are silent when it comes to China. The NBA gets more than a billion dollars from China and they know that if they criticize China in any way they will jeopardize the deal. One of James' big sponsors is Nike, a company that uses the slave labor of the Uyghurs, to produce their shoes. China is not bothered by a pesky first amendment and the people don't have to be concerned about misinformation because the government decides what is true. If anything is said or done that the government doesn't like then they are shut down and often times just disappear.

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