Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Free Market

In the post WW 2 era there were a couple of dozen countries that were communist and the general feeling was that democratic countries could win them over using economic forces. The experts said that once you have strong economic ties countries would be hesitant to war against one another. As the communist countries one by one fell to the wayside only the cold war remained. When the Soviet Union collapsed the feeling was that only China remained as a threat so the west set about developing trade. The idea was that once people experienced economic freedom it would led to political freedom but that turned out not to be true. The attempt to encourage the people of China to demand democracy failed and the result was the creation of a monster, a communist country using the free market system and today we are dealing with the failure. One of the great accomplishments of this failure was the bringing of a billion people out of poverty. As more of our jobs went to China and more Americas purchased goods made in China the poor in China moved up our of poverty. Some feel that now is the time to bring those jobs back home by buying goods made in America.

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