Monday, February 21, 2022

Putin Hitler

It is often said the history repeats itself and today's movements by Putin illustrates that point. In 1938 Hitler announced that a part of Czechoslovakia called Sudetenland, where the people spoke German, was actually a part of Germany. Hitler was able to get the German people on his side because he controlled the press. Each time Hitler took more territory the German people cheered and were filled with pride as old Germany was coming back. Today Putin said he was taking part of Ukraine because the people there speak Russian and therefor should be a part of Russia. The Russian press is controlled by Putin the the Russian people will cheer. The world objected to Hitler but aside from words and letters nothing was done in 1938 and the question now becomes what will be done with Putin. When the Soviet Union collapsed Ukraine had over 5,000 nuke tipped ICBM and they agreed in 1994 to turn these weapons over to Russia with a guarantee that Ukraine would remain independent. This is just one more example of the results of making deals with dictators.

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