Monday, February 14, 2022

Foreign policy

It is often difficult to understand foreign policy and the current dispute between Russia and Europe is no exception. Germany thought for years that it could replace fossil fuels with wind and solar and so it closed down its nuclear plants but they moved to fast. Even though Germany gets 40% of its power from renewables that is not enough and they need the natural gas and oil from Russia. Other European countries need these Russian supplies more than Germany. In the rush to go green Europe has left itself vulnerable to Russian blackmail. The US has enough gas but Europe needs more ports to unload the gas. This is a prime example of poor planning. Something similar is happening in the US as the push for electric cars is moving faster than changing the electrical energy supplies away from fossil fuels. The US currently gets 80% of its energy from fossil fuels, 10% from nuclear and 12% from renewables. The US should be all in on building thorium nuclear power plants but instead we are buying solar panels and wind mills from China. Will China one day cut off our supplies of these goods like Russian is threatening Europe. Will this be another case of poor planning.

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