Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Kudos to Biden

Kudos to President Biden. In the dead of night when no one was looking he came to his senses and realized that much of inflation is caused by increasing cost of transportation. Here is news from the Washington Post. After years of federal lease sales to oil, gas and coal companies, environmentalists had hopes that Biden would end the fossil fuel bonanza but one year after the announcing a halt to any new federal oil and gas leasing, Biden has outpaced Trump in issuing drilling permits on public lands. After setting a record for the largest offshore lease sale last year in the Gulf of Mexico, the Interior Department plans to auction off oil and gas drilling right on more than 200,000 acres across Western states by the end of March, followed by one million acres in the Cook Inlet, off the coast of Alaska. The administration's actions reveal an uncomfortable truth: Although Biden supports a shift to cleaner sources of energy, he has failed to curb fossil fuel development in the United States'

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