Sunday, February 6, 2022

Lab or not

The story of how Covid began is one of mystery and intrigue. It is now agreed that the virus started in Wuhan China sometime in late 2019 and spread quickly throughout the city and the province. China quickly shut down travel from Wuhan to other Chinese provinces but not to the rest of the world and the virus in a few weeks it began showing up in a number of different countries including the US where the first case appeared on January 20, 2020. At the start the Chinese government said the virus came from an animal food mart and was transferred to humans from some animal like a pangolin. China then shut down any outside investigation and to this day have not cooperated with investigators. Some scientist from the World Health Organization were allowed in and they confirmed that the virus came from an animal. Since then the WHO has come under question based on their past ties with China. As more information is revealed the idea that the virus came from the lab and not an animal is gaining credence. As scientist present this new evidence they are discredited by the CDC calling it disinformation but President Biden has authorized an investigation into the matter. The whole matter was tossed into a quagmire when it became a political issue with the CDC being accused of covering up the US participation in the research in the Wuhan lab. China has refused to open up records and that adds more fuel to the conspiracy that the US is covering up to save the reputations of some US scientist. For the past year any scientist who suggested that the virus escaped from the lab was discredited by the CDC.

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