Monday, February 14, 2022

Living alone

Any person older than retirement age who applies for a job is familiar with the catch 22 phrase of we only hire the most qualified and you are over qualified. That is not the case of the substitute teacher. When I walk into the building, I am the oldest person there and I am welcomed with open arms. I'm not old and useless like too many elderly who are living alone. My favorite singer and song writer Eric Bogal wrote a song about an old lady dying alone. It was based on a news article he read in the Sydney paper. Here is the first verse. Summer's smiling on the city, it's another lovely day in Sydney, sunshine pouring down like honey But in the room where Clare is dying, no sunshine sends the shadows flying No children gather round her crying, there's no one there at all Except perhaps for the man who sees each little sparrow fall If you know anyone living alone take the time to visit them.

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