Friday, February 18, 2022

News or not

Social norms and political ideas and other cultural activities are often describe as a pendulum. The ebb and flow of history tends to balance out over time to some construct of reasonableness. In the past decade the far left of the democratic party has moved the pendulum too far for most people and the result is a shift in the culture. Issues like law and order, illegals crossing the border, schools focusing on oppressed and oppressors, cost of gas and groceries have caused low and middle income voters to move away from the democrats and toward the republicans. While disregarding the polls democratic leaders are focusing on the January 6 riots and voter integrity. News channels like MSNBC and CNN have doubled down on Trump investigations while the public has moved on. Since the majority of news media work together, not reporting news is very effective. It is the social media that people have turned to in order to get a broader picture of the news. 60% of Internet users regularly read Blogs and there everything is covered.

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