Friday, February 4, 2022

Climate vs social

As tensions grow between Russia and the West, Putin is signing agreements to ship natural gas to China. In response the US is shifting exports of liquefied natural gas (LNG) from China to Europe. While these changes create cozy relationships between China and Russia they also create a strong trade between the US and Europe. This is only possible because of fracking which allows the US to be the worlds largest producer of natural gas. The so called end of the world scenario caused by climate change will be put on hold as world energy demand sky rockets. The conversion to thorium nuclear power that should have been underway will now have to play catch up if global warming is to be stopped. Those who have been interfering with nuclear development will now have to move away from their social plans surrounding wind and solar and start building thorium plants. As climate change conflicts with social change politics will determine which way the country goes. Will they stick with wind and solar or will they open the door to thorium. Why not do both?

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