Saturday, October 15, 2022


On the news today a group of police officials were discussing the rise in crime and they came to the conclusion that is was spurred on by two causes. First was that too many crimes are committed by repeat offenders and these career criminals must be taken off the streets. If it is a drug problem go to treatment. If it is a mental issue go to a psych facility. If it is plain old crime then go to jail. The second reason given was lack of respect for authority. They pointed out how many times a simple stop by police turns violent because the person refuses to follow orders. Simple request like, show your hands or get out of the car are seen as a show of disrespect. This is not a new thing to anyone who has ever been a teacher. The trouble makers in school are repeat offenders and are disrespectful. If parents could see the length that teachers go to in trying to maintain control of the classroom they would have a new understanding of why teachers need summers off. Simple things like stay in your seat, stop talking, don't throw and stop hitting are met with sarcastic remarks and these same request are made many times and take away from the time devoted to the lesson. On the street and in the school the offenders are disproportionately Blacks and this of course complicates the issue. Some believe it is the lack of fathers in the homes that allows the discipline problem to develop. This too is controversial. Everyone knows there are large numbers of single moms who do a great job under the most trying conditions but the facts remain that children from single parent homes have more problems in school and in later life. It is common knowledge that 50% of murders are Blacks killing Blacks and those committing the crime are between the ages of 15 and 45 and this represents less than 5% of the population.

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