Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Pro demcracy

Joe on Morning Joe was decrying the fact that while the loss of our democracy is the most important issue, people are more concerned about inflation. Joe actively pushes what is called the pro democracy movement. According to the NY Times the two biggest threats to our democracy are first the refusal of many republican to accept defeat in election and second the power to set government policy is increasingly disconnected from public opinion and the example they give is the supreme court. Joe's explanation for this is the oft used excuse that the pro democracy people have failed to get out their message. I agree with the second point in that government decisions are too often made by un-elected bureaucrats. The congress who represents the people have given over power to agencies like the Environmental Protection, Homeland Security and Health and Human Service. The congress passes laws but they turn over implementation of these laws to various departments where those laws are turned into regulations of which there are too many. Only a couple of years ago climate change was Joe's big concern. He went right past nuclear war to pro democracy. Politics dictates his thinking.

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