Thursday, October 6, 2022

No bail

Most people who are arrested for misdemeanors (shop lifting, trespassing and simple assault) are not taken into custody. For other offenses you may be taken to jail where you will await a bail hearing. Once bail is posted you can leave with the expectation you will show up for your trial date. If bail is set at $10,000 you can pay a bail bondsman 10% or $1,000 and he will cover the rest. When you show up for court you do not get your $1,000 back. If you pay the $10,000 out of your pocket you get the money back when you come to court. Many people cannot afford bail so some states have a no cash bail law which means you get out of jail free with your promise to show up for your court date. This is called a pretrial release. If you don't show, the judge will issue an arrest warrant but in most cases the police are too busy to enforce the warrant so you get off free. Enforcing arrest warrants is one of the more dangerous activities that police get involved in much like going on a domestic violence call. Expecting no bail people to show up for court is much like the illegals who come across the border and are told to come to court sometime in the future. Many never show. Most of these crimes are committed by repeat offenders and they could be held without bond because they did not show up for their hearings but they are released.

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