Friday, October 7, 2022

Warp speed oil

The Keystone pipeline is not the reason for the oil shortage but closing it was significant. While campaigning Biden let it be known that he wanted to replace fossil fuels with wind and solar. This is from the last debate. Would you close down the oil industry? I would transition from the oil industry, yes Why would you do that? The oil industry pollutes significantly, it has to be replaced by renewable over time. These remarks were followed up with the closing of the Keystone which was symbolic of his plans and left the oil industry up in the air. Biden should get on the phone today and begin a warp speed drive to increase oil and natural gas supplies here in the country. Let it be known that he is backing the industry and will open the door to fracking, drilling where needed and reduce regulatory obstacles. These changes alone will cause the markets to react. Lets go Biden!

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