Monday, October 17, 2022

Ukraine war

During the 40 plus years of the cold war the US did all sorts of unsavory things trying to defeat communism. We secretly or not so secretly overthrew governments and allied with tyrants all with the intent purpose of crushing the Soviet Union. As former Ambassador to the United Nations Gene Kirkpatrick said, he may be a dictator but he is our dictator. Ethical actions were set aside with the sole purpose of defeating the commies. Looking back it is difficult to understand our positions but at the time they seem acceptable. We are in a situation today that gives everyone some idea of what it was like. We are now risking nuclear war to keep Russia out of Ukraine. It seems like the right thing to do but will we think that when we look back. Would we say that a compromise of turning the Danbas over to Russia for Ukraine joining NATO would have been better. Finland and Sweden are ready to join NATO. Could this be the off ramp that Putin needs. Is this a win for the West. In only 8 months the US has spent $60 billion. Will this be another Viet Nam or Afghanistan where trillions were spent. Will this lead to putting US soldiers on the ground. Will the American people get tired of this and demand a compromise. Is anyone asking these questions. There are 150 million families working in the US and if this $60 billion were divided among them it would cost $400 each. If we asked the people if they would send in a check for $400 so we could keep this war going another 8 months would they write that check. This puts the cost of war into understandable language.

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