Thursday, October 27, 2022

GOP take over

John Stewart was in the news today because he suggested that Hunter Biden was guilty of influence peddling. He based this on Hunter getting a million dollars a year from a Russian oil company by the name of Burisma. Hunter was on the board even though he has no knowledge of the oil business. Why is Stewart coming out now when this arrangement has been known since the summer of 2016. Many in the press are anticipating republican control of the house and senate which will lead to investigations about Hunters businesses. This seems likely at this point and it will confirm Hunters guilt but he will not be prosecuted because he was under the influence of drugs at the time and he has since cleaned up his act. If the investigation starts to get close to Joe Biden the Department of Justice will refuse to enforce any subpoenas issued by the congress and the investigation will die on the vine. Republicans should forget about Hunter and get about the business of dealing with inflation, crime and the border. It is all laid out for them. They should go all out on producing more fossil fuels, bring back cash bail, put repeat criminals in jail, and return to the border policies of the Trump years. They should put more import taxes on goods from China and push for the production of those goods in American with the goal of securing the supply lines especially in products that relate to national security. This will answer the old cry of don't just complain about things, come up with solutions.

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