Monday, October 31, 2022

Free speech

On a TV show last night Trey Gowdy said there are a lot of crazy people out their so we should refrain from saying crazy things. He is asking the people to give up their treasured right to free speech because some idiot might react with violence. If you find yourself adjusting what you say because you are fearful that someone may use your words as a reason to harm another person you are going down a path of no return. Each time you yield you encourage the aggressors to go another step further in their attempt to limit your free speech. On Morning Joe today they suggested that it was the republicans who bad mouthed Pelosi that caused some crazy guy to attack her husband and they of course pointed out that the main culprit was Trump. When Hillary said that half of Trump supporters are racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic and Islamophobic”  was she encouraging some people to take violent actions. Saying you can't criticize politicians can be added to the limit on speech proposed by using terms like disinformation and misinformation. If it is not illegal you have the right to say it. This doesn't mean you should say it only that you have the right. You can say nigger but it serves no legitimate purpose and just hurts others so don't say it. Use common sense but don't give up your right to free speech.

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