Tuesday, October 4, 2022


It is most disconcerting that the women's groups here in the US are not protesting the situation in Iran. Women are being oppressed and they have risen up in mass to protest their treatment. It is more than disheartening that the US press is not making a big fuss. Domestic violence is not a crime under Iranian law and those found guilty of honor killings receive only minor punishment. Men convicted of murdering their daughters receive three year sentences. Women only receive 3 months support when they separate from their husbands and are thus forced to return to abusive situations. She can only get a divorce after her husband has been convicted three times of abuse. Rape victims who come forth face charges of adultery. Iranian law allows girls age 13 to marry and younger if the father permits. There are registered marriages to 300 girls under age 13 some as young as 10. It is time for Americans to wake up to what is going on there. The press has to step up and fulfill its obligation to report the news.

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