Friday, October 7, 2022


When you take the dislike of Trump out of the picture and just look at his record it is quite amazing. He came on the seen as a joke according to the press. He had to be different than other politicians to have even a small chance of getting the nomination. During the debates he spewed out insults toward the others and became more obnoxious as he won each debate. Once he got the nomination the press turned quickly against him. Morning Joe suddenly realized they had been instrumental in creating a monster. Then came the investigation by the State Department. They joined forces with the national press, Silicon Valley, social media, never Trumpers bureaucrats of all shapes and sizes and the full force of the democratic party to challenge Trump at every turn. He overcame that and even though the harassment continued during is four years as president, he was able to complete an outstanding record of accomplishments. On the domestic side he brought on the lowest unemployment in history for Blacks, Hispanics and women. He gave the middle and lower income groups the first real wage increase in forty year. GDP was up and inflation was down. He pushed for fossil fuels and the US became the worlds leading producer of oil and natural gas and a net exporter of fossil fuels while the CO2 emissions declined. He slowed the influx of illegals at the border by demanding that Mexico close their border with Guatemala, keeping migrants in Mexico while they awaited their status and built the wall. He cut taxes and increased defense spending. He was a strong proponent of law enforcement and regularly praised first res ponders. He appointed three to the Supreme Court. He demanded and got NATO members to pay more of their fair share. He pushed hard and developed the Covid vaccine in record time. The Dow increased from 20,000 to 30,000 during his term. He overcame two impeachments and a press corp that failed to cover his successes while emphasizing his failures. He implemented the Abraham accords, the first real progress between Arabs and Jews in many years. He ended ISIS and killed a number of high profile terrorist. He canceled the Iran agreement and refused to join the Paris Agreement. He put import taxes on goods from China. He place sanctions on Russia and pushed to stop the Nordstream 2 pipeline. He encouraged the construction of liquid natural gas facilities which will help to save Europe this winter. While many may disagree with the merits of these deeds the facts are clear that he accomplished a lot.

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