Sunday, October 9, 2022


The word equity is popular these days and it means equal results as compared to equality which means equal opportunity. The average family income is $70,000 so if every family made that we would have equity. Those who make more would be required to give to those who make less. Moving on to net worth where the average is $97,000. The median net worth of the average US households is $97,300. Median is the middle point where half the households have more and half have less. Now this is where we separate the believers from the non. Lets say your house is worth $250,000. You would have too much wealth and be required to sell your house, give away about $150,000 and find a apartment. Spreading the wealth around is just a bunch of words until it affects you then things look different. It is easy to take money from the rich because we don't consider ourselves as rich but many others do. From a personal standpoint, I would make out pretty good since my income is below $70,000 and I don't own a home. I say we follow Obama's advice and spread the wealth around. All those in the news preaching equity are only seeing situations which will affect others.

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