Sunday, October 16, 2022

Silent majority

When Nixon ran the second time in 1968 he had a number of things going for him. First he ran against Hubert Humphery who could not extricate himself from Johnson's war policy. Second the democratic party was in disarray because of the war and third he was able to gather together a large group known as the silent majority. The dictionary says this is a large block of voters who feel marginalized, silenced or underserved by the political system. This group was the precursor to the democrats who voted for Reagan and became known as Reagan democrats. These people are euphemistically referred to as low information voters and they swing back and forth depending mostly on economic issues. They voted for Obama and then Trump. They will likely swing toward the republicans this November. Over the years the name majority has become to mean White and now this group has been tagged as racist when in fact it is the economy not race that motivates them. These people are regular Americans who are concerned about kitchen table issues but rather than discuss these economic issues the press has resorted to labels as represented by Hillary's remarks, racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic and Islamaphobic. This coming election exemplifies these difference where the republicans are pushing issues like inflation and democrats are pushing January 6 and Mar-a-lago. The silent majority people who oppose immigration are called xenophobic and those who oppose crime are called racist.

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