Monday, September 2, 2024


As a frequent watcher of Morning Joe on MSNBC, I was well aware that Joe Scarborogh had become the voice of Biden who was not often heard from and it was well known that Biden watched the show on a regular basis. Morning Joe and his sidekick Miki often dinned at the White House and were in close contact with Biden. Over the last year Joe and Miki led the chorus claiming Biden's fitness for office best represented by the phrase, sharp as a tack. When a person undergoes a slow cognitive decline it is recognized by those who are close but Joe and Miki apparently did not see this or a some say they saw but ignored. Their desire to defeat Trump was strong and all the experts said Biden had the best chance to do this. Then came the fateful debate but even after the initial shock Joe and Miki once again came to Biden's defense when they  floated a theory from the president’s camp that former president Barack Obama is “quietly working behind the scenes” to undermine him. The signs of mental decline are obvious to all of us octogenarians. I was always able to articulate my thoughts without much trouble but in recent years I find myself pausing while I search for a word. If I can recognize this in myself certainly people close to me will. Did Joe and Miki deliberately hide Biden's condition or were they not able to see what was happening. If they did try to hide it they were not alone as many commentators failed to mention the changes that occurred especially over the past year. Were they planning to use Biden to win then turn the reins over to Harris and if so isn't this just politics.

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