Monday, September 2, 2024


There are wise people who feel that free speech is under attack using words like misinformation or disinformation and they are speaking out. Keeping in mind that private companies can decide what is acceptable but government cannot. Some areas covered by the First Amendment are complicated and may require a court ruling but the general rule is, if it is not illegal you can say it. Reasonable people understand that just because your are legally allowed to say something doesn't mean you should say it. You can stand on a crowded street corner and say that Jews are money hungry, Scots are drunks, Italians are crooks, fat people are ugly, most murders are committed by niggers, Trump is Hitler, Biden is senile or Trump supporters are cultist. Labeling a group a cult is a cowardly way of tolerating, condoning, appeasing, or promoting favored groups while simultaneously rejecting and disparaging a other groups. You can say if you shave your head it will prevent brain cancer. You can say eating lots of sugar will add years to your life and health. You can say the world is flat. You can say that vaccines are harmful. Saying things that are not true and/or hateful is not illegal. The constitutional experts will tell you that the purpose of the free speech clause is to protect unpopular speech no matter how distasteful it might be. This is best expressed by the quote "I may not agree with what you say but will defend to the death your right to say it"?

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