Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Deep state

Eisenhower famously warned about the dangers inherent in the military industrial complex and he was right. Overtime this duo expanded their power by joining forces with big corporations and big government. The big government part was particularly troubling because it was not the elected officials who became part of the cabal but rather the non elected people we call bureaucrats. In 2016 Mike Lofgren wrote a book called, An Anatomy Of The Deep State" and in this book he exposed how this powerful group had taken control of the country. Lofgren points out that it is not republicans or democrats that control this but a secret unwritten agreement between the national security community, Wall Street and Silicon Valley. When Trump was elected he took this on and was immediately attacked from all sides. This group uses the strategy of keeping political parties at war with one another to cover their misdeeds and the public, along with the press, falls dutifully in line. It is easy to turn the heads of those who have a vested interest in politics. The stronger they feel about politics the easier it is to control them. One simple proof of this is what is called the teenage defense. If your party does some dastardly deed all you have to do is find a similar incidence in the other party and all is forgotten, as in, Mom everyone is doing it. If Trump hadn't had such a controversial personality there is a chance he could have uncovered much of the deep state. The phrase deep state was attributed to Trump so as to disparage the whole concept and it worked even though the phrase preceded Trump.

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