Friday, December 18, 2020


Since Biden did not say much about his agenda during the campaign, supposedly because he was housebound due to the virus, we are now getting our first clear look as to what to expect. This look comes to us via the cabinet he is selecting and it appears that we are going to return to the status quo that existed in the thirty plus years before Trump. This means that the blue collar working people will continue to lose ground as more manufacturing moves out of the country. These workers can hope to make a come back in the next election but that also would be returning to the status quo of yesteryear. The mistake these workers have been making is assuming they could get help through government but that appears to be a hill to difficult to climb. They must decide as a group to take things into their own hands and use the strength of unions to fight for their rights. What is needed is a resurgence in union membership, something that has been on the decline, at least in the private sector, for forty years. It does not help to complain about the salaries of CEO's if the government and business are in cahoots with one another. The current union leadership has been co-opted as witnessed by the passage of NAFTA by a democratic administration and talks about joining the TTP while giving power to the WTO. The way to get Jeff Bezo's attention is not to talk about a wealth tax which must include the cooperation of the business/government partnership but to form a union and demand better benefits. It is up to the workers to join forces and fight for their rights. They did it in the past and they can do it again.

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