Wednesday, December 9, 2020

The real power

When a new administration takes office new officials take office. There are about 4,000 jobs that change with about 60 being significant with the new president but there are over 2 million federal government employees who stay on through different administrations. These are referred to a career employees and they each have their own ways of working within the system. These people have daily contact with various businesses and industries that work with the federal government on a whole series of projects. These same people are often the unidentified sources that appear in news stories and many thousands of these people have top secret clearance to deal with groups outside the government. These bureaucrats and their confederates in private industry keep the government functioning properly as one administration replaces another. In other words this whole group of lifetime workers represent the power behind the throne and they probably total around 4 million. Politicians are often accused of putting party ahead of country but these non-elected employees are likely to put their careers ahead of country. It is this large group that can be considered the deep state. The one group that acts as the glue that holds the whole thing together are the lobbyist. Any elected official that tries to challenge the authority of this group will likely be attacked from all sides and quickly be neutered. Recently Senator Schumer issued a warning to his friends saying they best not get on the wrong side of the NIA when he said, "Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you". This illustrates where the real power lies.

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