Thursday, December 3, 2020


At one time in the past, I foolishly suggested that all high school and college sports be inter mural instead of inter school. This way students would all compete instead of an elite few. Cost for transporting students from school to school would be eliminated and travel time saved. I was severely castigate for making such ridiculous suggestions and quickly dropped the whole idea. Turns out that people think competition for blue ribbons is a good thing even though it created losers along with winners. This is true not only in sports but in other walks of life such as entertainment and business but there is a limit. In a free market system someone can come up with a good idea that benefits millions of people but it better not enrich the originators too much. In the last century two men, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs were responsible for the creation of millions of new good paying jobs and they were rewarded with millions of dollars. So far so good. Now comes Jeff Bezos founder of Amazon who owns $180 billion dollars in stock. This is deemed as too much for one person and ideas are presented on ways to get his stock. This change in attitude about rich people is part of the new push for socialistic ideas as presented by Bernie Sanders in the past two elections. The US could certainly take by force of law money from the rich and give it to the poor and almost everyone would be financially better off. This would be a win for some period of time but it would not last. As Margaret Thatcher once said, socialism is great until you run out of the other persons money. Going back to the sports analogy it would be like taking Patrick McHomes $50 million dollar yearly salary and giving one million to each of his 50 team mates. Sounds fair to me.

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