Saturday, December 5, 2020

Thorium power plants

A new report from the EPA estimates that over 100,000 people die each year from air pollution caused by burning fossil fuels. The United States has been using nuclear power plants to produce pollution free electricity since 1958 and has had one accident at Three Mile Island from which no one was injured or died. Most of the inherent dangers from nuke plants come from the use of uranium as a fuel and that can be eliminated by using thorium instead of uranium. Thorium is safer and less expensive. The plant is safer because it doesn't need high pressure water to cool and if the power is lost it shuts down by itself. The bi-products are fewer in number and decay more rapidly. The use of thorium could also help solve the shortage of rare earth metals because thorium is a bi-product of rare earth mines. Thus it is safer and easier to mine than uranium and has much more energy per pound than uranium. The only reason uranium was used at the start was that uranium plants product bi-products than can be used to make nuke bombs and that is why the government financed these plant. You cannot make bombs from thorium. There is no air or water pollution from thorium power plants.

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